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Global Funding for Faculty and Staff

Nagoya University-NC State Collaborative Seed Grants

  • This program catalyzes new research collaborations between Nagoya University and NC State faculty, with the goal of creating more substantive engagement beyond the initial funding period.
  • Deadline for submissions: July 10, 2024

Global Project Supplement Fund

  • This program supports faculty and staff through an annual fund that provides $1,000 travel awards to encourage global engagement.
    • Deadlines for submissions: October 13, 2024 and February 10, 2025

Internationalization Seed Grants

  • This fund supports new international projects to improve the range of NC State’s global partnerships with up to $5,000 in seed funding.
    • Call for proposals: November 15, 2024
    • Deadline for submissions: February 10, 2025

Israel Visiting Scholar Program

  • This fund supports travel between North Carolina and Israel for scholars in each country to promote scientific research and to share technological capabilities.
    • Call for proposals: Online
    • Deadline for submissions: Rolling

University Global Partnership Network Research Collaboration Fund

  • This fund supports international activities leading to research collaborations between researchers at the University Global Partnership Network’s partner institutions. These awards support substantive engagement that leads to high-quality outputs.
    • Call for proposals: March 1, 2024
    • Deadline for submissions: June 24, 2024