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CALS International Seminar Series

Williams Hall, Room 2405 101 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

CALS SAIGE (Student Association for Interdisciplinary and Global Engagement) is hosting an International Seminar Speaker as part of their International Seminar Series. This program is co-offered through CALS International Programs. Dr. Trino Ascencio-Ibanez will be presenting on his international research experiences and lessons he learned along the way. Come learn about how to overcome international…

CALS SAIGE International Series Seminar: Dr. Tom Sinclair

Williams Hall, Room 2405 101 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

Dr. Tom Sinclair to Present at International Seminar Series On February 8th, Dr. Tom Sinclair will present Advance Your Career: An Overseas Postdoctoral or Sabbatical. Dr. Sinclair will look back at a number of his past activities spanning Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, Africa and more.  Dr. Sinclair will report on his own postdoctoral and sabbatical activities and will outline…

CALS International Seminar Series: Dr. John Beghin

Williams Hall, Room 2405 101 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

On March 22, Dr. John Beghin will present High Cost – High Reward International Experiences. Dr. Beghin will explain how originally unrelated experiences eventually became building blocks of a globalized career and life. He will relate how taking risk in international activities is rewarding although may be initially taxing. Dr. Beghin, Professor and Department Head…

CALS International Seminar Series

Williams Hall, Room 2405 101 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

Dr. Jay Jayaratne, State Leader for Extension Program Evaluation in the Dept of Agricultural and Extension Education, will take us on a journey through his international experiences during his International Seminar titled, "Sharing my International Experience and Learning: opportunities in International Agriculture Experience". This seminar is open to everyone interested in international agriculture experiences. Dr.…

CALS International Seminar

Williams Hall, Room 2405 101 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

CALS SAIGE hosts a monthly International Seminar Series where invited speakers share their international research experience along with lessons learned and tips for graduate students who want to become more involved in international research. Dr. S. Gary Bullen from the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics will present "Short Term International Opportunities." Coffee and snacks…

CALS SAIGE International Seminar with Dr. Jean Ristaino

Williams Hall, Room 2405 101 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

Dr. Jean Ristaino, William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor of Plant Pathology and Director of Emerging Plant Disease and Global Food Security Cluster, will present about her international research experiences. Her research uses molecular tools for addressing basic ecological questions concerning the spread of microorganisms in nature. She conducts Phytophthora diagnostics workshops in Latin America. Dr.…

CALS International Seminar

Williams Hall, Room 2405 101 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

CALS SAIGE, graduate student association for interdisciplinary and global engagement, will be hosting an international seminar with DR. DIEGO V. BOHORQUEZ, from Duke University School of Medicine. Dr. Bohorquez is a gut-brain neuroscientist and a NC State University graduate. He will will highlight his international research experiences, lessons learned while conducting research around the globe, and…

International Seminar with Dr. Tawanda Muzhingi


CALS SAIGE will be hosting an International Seminar with Dr. Tawanda Muzhingi, where he will share his international research experiences. Dr. Tawanda Muzhingi is a Senior Scientist in Food Science at the International Potato Center (CIP) in Kenya; Flagship Leader in Roots, Tubers and Banana Program of CGIAR; and Adjunct Professor at NC State in…