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Middle East Film Festival: ‘When I Saw You’

Erdahl Cloyd Theater Hall, DH Hill Library 2 Broughton Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Join the Middle East Studies Program for the final film in the Middle East Film Festival. When I Saw You (2012) is written and directed by Annemarie Jacir. The year is 1967. The world is alive with change: brimming with reawakened energy, new styles, music and an infectious sense of hope. In Jordan, a different…


Middle East Film Festival: ‘Wadjda’

Erdahl Cloyd Theater Hall, DH Hill Library 2 Broughton Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Join the Middle East Studies Program for another incredible film in its Middle East Film Festival. This year's theme is female directors. Wadjda (2012)  is a Saudia Arabian film, written and directed by Haifaa Al-Mansour. It was the first feature film shot entirely in Saudi Arabia and the first feature-length film made by a female…
